Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lack of

I spent Saturday night making coffee for some of the prostitutes hidden in our sparkling city of Opportunity.

The first group I made coffee for were a bunch of young guys who I just assumed were drug addicts on the streets. I later found out they were male prostitutes. One of them had a girlfriend with a 7 month old baby.

We went to four stops. The 'gay' strip, the 'normal prostitute' strip and the last two were for transgender prostitutes.

I saw one girl as young as 13 with several old men. Another lady I met looked like she could be a librarian.

I had been out the previous weekend in that exact area, clubbing in my brand new shoes and designer dress. This week I watched as girls dressed just like me trotted past, drunk and ready to party.

I feel like I've been eating a 5 star meal enjoying every bite, but suddenly turned the plate over to see it infested with worms, magets and disease. This is our city.

Beneath our glitz and glamour of the 'fabulous' and the wanted is a decrepit world.

I ask myself, what will it take to change this society. How can you pull people out of an addiction that consumes their life and gives them purpose?

The only way is through Love. Without Love we perish. Without the touch of another human, we search for it in the meaningless.

From the pimp to the addict prostitute to the john their is void of Love. From the alcoholic parent to the abused child to the abandoned family Love has not been learnt or cultivated.

What have I to offer to a world in need?

The touch of my hand, the word of my heart and the smile of a friend.